Air conditioning solutions for listed properties with Cool You

Air conditioning solutions for listed properties with Cool You
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Air conditioning for listed properties can be a complex problem to negotiate. Many properties across London forbid traditional air conditioning, whether they’re a new-build block of flats or a gorgeous historical house.

This is because traditional external condensers are too big and too noisy. They won’t fit in with the exterior of the building.

Owners of modern apartments and owners of listed buildings often have similar restrictions when it comes to making changes to the building. Especially when installing specific equipment on the outside of the building.

Fortunately, Cool You is an expert air conditioning installer for listed and modern buildings. We know how to work around these restrictions by providing an air conditioning solution that requires no external condenser.

Air conditioning for listed buildings

As with modern apartments, owners of listed buildings don’t have the final say over any work that can be done on their property.

If you own a listed property, you will have constraints in place that stop you from altering the appearance or structure of the building. This can include not being allowed to change the brickwork and ceilings or remove and alter ornate features.

If you live in a Grade II property or a conservation area, these restrictions are even tougher.

This often means that those living in listed buildings are fairly restricted when it comes to conventional air conditioning systems that rely on external condensers.

Why? External condensers must be installed on the exterior of the building. This is something that many listed properties forbid.

We can provide air conditioning for listed properties

If this sounds like your situation, the good news is that Cool You can help.

Our unique internal solution is contained completely within your property. There are no holes or penetrations to the outside, no external condenser, and, in most cases, no planning permission.

We create customised plans of how to keep everything located within your apartment. All listed properties are different, so we provide a custom solution suitable for your building.

We understand the importance of keeping listed buildings in the correct condition and the frustrations of living in one and adhering to the restrictions placed on them.

How we can help

Unlike many other air conditioning providers, we specialise in internal air conditioning. Our condensers are located inside your apartment without needing external work.

Our systems use water to provide cool air that the unit can circulate around the property. Nothing is on show. The internal condenser is tucked away in a discreet area. This can be in cupboards, utility spaces, and under sinks. They require no more plumbing than a dishwasher or washing machine and are not intrusive at all.

The wall mount is sleek, white, and non-branded. We put this in the room you’d like to air condition, usually high up on the wall. Trust us when we say that it won’t stand out and will blend in seamlessly to your surroundings.

Why air conditioning is a worthwhile investment

If you live in a listed building, then it is likely that you want to keep wear and tear to a minimum. Often, older listed buildings have original windows that either do not open or, if they do, can be pretty fragile. This means you may be cautiously opening windows and avoiding as much as possible.

However, in the hotter months, buildings like these can become very stuffy and not enjoyable to live or work in. Even during winter, the heating can make it feel airless and humid.

An air conditioning system is a great way to provide cool and comfortable air all year.

Many hotels in London are listed. Most are without air conditioning, so they’ll be uncomfortable all the time.

Cool You’s internal solutions also dehumidify and clean the air, keeping you feeling fresh and preventing illness. They also help with productivity, are a great addition for pets, and can even help you sleep better at night.

More about Cool You’s air conditioning for listed properties

We have provided air conditioning solutions for listed buildings in top London areas such as Mayfair, Kensington and Chelsea, and Primrose Hill. All of these are areas that are home to some of London’s most restricted listed buildings.

You can look for examples of listed buildings that we’ve provided air conditioning solutions for on our Case Studies page. Or, follow the links below to specific case studies for installations within listed buildings and conservation areas in London:

Whatever reason you need air conditioning in your listed building, we can help find a solution that ticks all of the boxes and sticks to the rules. Our team provide custom solutions every day. They will tailor a system to meet the needs of customers with different specifications and requirements. 

Contact us at Cool You today for more information on how we can help.

To enquire about air conditioning in your apartment, please contact the team at Cool You on (0207) 043 2275 or fill in this form to arrange a site survey in your home.

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